Become A Dealer Now

Contact: Ms.Suchaya Satathaworn
Tel. 02-641-4545 | [email protected] | Line ID: @fuzion

Be a part of Fuzion Authorized Dealer

1. Investor provides initial information to Ms.Suchaya Satathaworn at E-mail: [email protected]. The Company only consider and authorize for eligible applicant as follows;

  • Applicant’s company, shop, store must be registered as business registration as Company limited, Limited partnership, and Ordinary Partnership. Please note that ordinary person is not eligible to apply for dealer.
  • Company registration credential or certificate from Department of Business Development must, at least, specify objectives of your company registration whether your company, shop, store do a business, trade, rent, Gadget, Camera & IT service. If none of above mentioned in applicant company registration, The Company reserves the right to reject the application form.

2. After Fuzion Far East Ltd. considers the initial information. The team will contact for further steps by the company.

3. Fuzion Far East Ltd. reserves the right, without prior notice, to verify documents for approval which approximately takes 5 – 7 working days.

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