Product Update

March 2024

New NeMo v3.1 for Windows and macOS

System Management Software

New NExo Nemo v3.1

The new release of NEXO's remote control app for a group of NXAMP and NXAMPMk2 Powered TD-Controllers (and DTD Digital TD-Controllers) now delivers the same powerful control, monitoring, logging and alerting functions for Windows and macOS. NeMo v2.4 available for iOS.

nexo LOGO Fuzion Far East
New Firmware Load5_28
Nexo New Firmware Load5_28

Important updates
for GEO M12 systems

A new firmware load for NXAMP/NXAMPMk2 Powered TD-Controllers delivers uprated performance for GEO M12 systems including an additional +4 dB gain and more presence in the vocal range.

New Install Versions of NExo L15, L18 and L20

New installation versions of NEXO L15, L18 and L20 Subs feature an elegant fabric grille covering in the style of P+ Series installation cabinets and quick-connect push connectors.

New Firmware Load5_28
NEXO New Processing Pre-Sets for P15 Monitor Setups

Firmware LOAD5_28 also includes updated pre-sets for P15 monitor setups, developed in consultation with leading monitor engineers.

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