
Welcome to RØDE Microphones – a uniquely Australian owned and operated audio company. Our home is in beautiful Sydney, just 20km west of Sydney’s downtown area and right near the home of the Sydney 2000 Olympics.

Comprising three warehouses with a total footprint of over 110,000 square feet, the RØDE state-of-the-art plant has over 60 million dollars in precision machinery and an international team of more than 250 people across highly skilled disciplines: electrical engineering, industrial design, technical engineering, metal production, toolmaking, logistics, assembly, quality control, finance, marketing and sales.

As well as our main campus in Sydney, we have offices in Los Angeles, New York, London, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Seoul; the Tokyo office is due to release later in 2017. Our extensive distributor and 4000-strong dealer network ensures RØDE Microphones are sold in 113 countries – and growing – making RØDE a truly global company.

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the parent company Freedman Electronics’ formation, a remarkable milestone in modern business.