Network-based A/V Control
Product Highlights
• A flexible and extensible approach to the control of Symetrix ComposerTMenabled DSPs and select third-party A/V components.
• Centralized server-based technology enables comprehensive design,
deployment, and maintenance of large and sophisticated systems employing
numerous control endpoints supporting multiple simultaneous users.
• A wired Gigabit Ethernet port enables control via dedicated A/V or general
purpose facility networks, as well as direct communication with networked
DSP hardware.
• Operating in wireless mode, Control Server functions as an access point
providing mobile device connectivity.
• Designed into a system using ComposerTM – Symetrix’ award winning openarchitecture CAD software.
• Browser based administration used to manage app licenses, users, and user
• Control Server’s included multi-touch “Mixer” app provides up to 32 faders
and mutes with customizable labels, colors, ranges, and display units. It can
trigger up to 16 presets.
• 5 licenses of each of the Mixer and SymVue App are included