Virtual Mixing Solution for Streaming and Gaming

UNIFY gives you control of your streaming and gaming audio like never before. Route up to four microphones and six virtual audio devices – including game, chat, music and browser – into one intuitive audio mixer. Create completely independent mixes for all of your different outputs, including what you hear, what your audience hears, and what your teammates hear. Add advanced processing and FX to your voice. Record your audio in multitrack and much more.

 SALE 12-months of UNIFY $69.99 $1 AUD 

UNIFY is the audio control centre of your streaming or gaming setup. Mix, route, process and record with unprecedented flexibility. Sound better than ever.

Complete Control of Your Audio

UNIFY gives you complete control of all your audio inputs and outputs in one intuitive software mixer. Mix up to four microphones and six virtual audio devices including your game, chat, music, system and browser. Create the perfect audio experience for your audience, your teammates, and yourself with independent sub-mixes for all your outputs. Monitor all sound sources in full definition.

Complete Control of Your Audio
Craft Your Own Sound

Craft Your Own Sound

Customise your mic’s sound signature to suit your voice with advanced APHEX® processing, including the legendary Aural Exciter™ and Big Bottom™. Remove background noise and make your audio sound smooth, detailed and punchy with a compressor, noise gate and high-pass filter. Fine-tune to perfection with granular control over every processor, just like professional audio mixing software.

Let Us Do the Heavy Lifting

When using UNIFY with a RØDE mic, all audio processing is managed by a powerful DSP chip inside the microphone, which takes a load off your CPU and means you hear everything in your headphones as it happens.

Let Us Do the Heavy Lifting
Go Live in Seconds

Go Live in Seconds

UNIFY is incredibly intuitive, takes seconds to set up and is super easy to use, even with the most complex streaming or gaming setups, so you can go live with incredible audio in seconds.

Record Everything

UNIFY is incredibly intuitive, takes seconds to set up and is super easy to use, even with the most complex streaming or gaming setups, so you can go live with incredible audio in seconds.

Record Everything
With a RØDE X Microphone With a RØDE Microphone With Other Microphone Brand
Virtual Channels Up to 6 Up to 6 Up to 6
Output Sub-mixes Yes Yes Yes
SMART Pads Yes Yes Yes
Multitrack Recording, Edit and Export Yes Yes Yes
Basic Audio Processing Yes Yes No
Advanced Audio Processing Yes No No
Price $0 AUD $7.99 monthly
AUD $69.99 annually
$1 AUD annually
Download for PC *

* UNIFY is compatible with Windows PCs only; Windows 10 and above required

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